Monday, July 27, 2009

Have you heard? Madison is trying out for the new Mad Max movie! Or maybe she is just having a bad hair day!

Roadster's 20th Birthday

July 28, 2009 is the birthday of Bill's roadster. I think she still looks pretty darn good after 20 years. I am privileged to be her caretaker for the next 20 years.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Saturday was McKinley's 5th birthday. We had a grand time and got lots of presents. Some pictures of the day will be posted later this afternoon. 

5 year old daughter's quotes of the week:

" Dad I won't tell mom if you don't brush my hair."

The following is a conversation between our 5 year old (who is working on improving her sharing skills, but who is very environmentally conscious) and her mother on the way to school:

5 year old: "Mom can I take my drawing pad to school today?"

Mom: "No. You are not suppose to bring stuff to school."

5 Year old: "Please?"

Mom: "If you take it to school, you have to share your paper with all of your friends...."

5 Year old: "But Mom if I share all of my paper with my friends we will have to kill a tree to make more."

Thursday, April 30, 2009

House and Family:

We are finally getting settled into the new house. The girls are loving the new backyard and have spent last weekend planting a garden. Here are some pics of the house, backyard, and new garden:

Sunday, January 18, 2009

"Black Dog Blogspot"

I have created this blog to express some thoughts, opinions, interests, and general happenings in my life.

I named the blog after our wonderful female black lab. My wife and I found her nine years ago in a parking lot. She was  so dirty we didn't know she was black. She was extremely thin from not eating, but happy nonetheless. My wife took her in reluctantly, and little did we know that she would become the most loving friend of our two daughters ages 4 and 2. We could not have asked for a better pet for them. Our two year old hangs off of her like she is a jungle gym. My wife named her Shelby because she told me that will probably be the only Shelby I ever own. The verdict is still out on that but.....

.... Perfect segue into the main topics of this blog:

- Cars (Hot rods mainly, but any cars really)... more to follow
- Guitars/music... more to follow
- Art... more to follow
- My family... more to follow
- Other interests to be added later as they are developed....